Breeding is Fun

Cynthia Teas

“Breeding is Fun”
Well, since my first post a lot has happened. My Bernedoodle Dam has had her litter. She surprised me and had 9 puppies. Her first in this litter was stillborn and it was obvious, he had died in utero a while ago, as he was not well developed. She had 6 healthy girls and two boys. One of the males is very underweight, but we have been working with him and he has a vigorous suck, so hopefully he will make it. Lots of Miracle Puppy Formula and Mamas milk.

So this brings me to discuss the idea of “Breeding Puppies is Fun“! Well, yes it is fun but it also comes with a lot of hard work and a lot of heartbreak at times. Nothing about breeding is all fun! While I was most excited to see my first litter born, I found I grieved for the hard work of labor that my mama dog had to endure. She was a champ, but her facial expressions and demeanor following birth told me it was one long haul. And now, she had 7 puppies to tend.

While it is so fun to match puppies with their new family, it is also hard to let them go. It is also very difficult when a new owner calls distressed that his dog is not learning to potty train and crate train quickly. Many people just don’t know what to expect with a new puppy. While a breeders job is to inform them the work that is ahead, it is also important to try and assess their tolerance for challenging puppy behaviors and match the right dog to the right owner. Termperament testing helps and simple listening to the new family is most revealing.

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