In The Beginning…
My husband and I were in our mid 40’s when we founded A Christian camp program for people with special needs.. By the grace of God, it had grown to be an amazing program serving children and adults with all kinds of disabilities or medical issues. My being a pediatric nurse and my husband having experience in leadership and ministry, the program fit perfectly and we were quite content with it’s growth. We LOVED the ministry and joy this program brought to all that attended as campers, staff and volunteers. For over 20 years we enjoyed this meaningful work. And then things changed in 2012.
Our board quite surprisingly decided we needed to step aside and allow younger people to take over. Now we were in our 60’s and felt as lost as a new grad trying to figure life out.
We had many long talks with God and others and tried to find ways to make sense of our new life without camp. All in all we came up with the most important thing to each of us was to find work that was gratifying, not just a pay check. I found great joy in work as a pediatric hospice nurse for about eighteen months. Then thru some other turn of events we decided we must move. By this time we had acquired two adorable labradoodle females. People were always asking how they could get a cute dog like ours. My brother in law and sister were breeders and we had acquired our dogs from them. After referring several potential buyers to them, we then decided why not give dog breeding a try. We prayed about this and studied everything we could get our hands on and came to the conclusion this was a path to pursue.
It helped that my husband and I both love dogs and most animals and I love the scientific side of birthing babies! Almost 4 years later we would not trade this work for anything. While it is often taxing, we still love the puppies and finding the perfect dog for each family. We feel that dogs are an integral part of every family and we want the dogs purchased thru our program to fit well into the family they go to live with forever. Entrepreneurial work is both freeing and confining, but it is always gratifying when you get feedback from families stating they love their puppy and feel it fits into their lifestyle perfectly.
And so, the journey continues with each litter. Learning everyday and letting the puppies teach us what unconditional love is all about. This blog is to share some of the facts and stories that we have gathered along the way and make each reader a better dog owner thru this information. To help each reader be the best version of their self!
The only thing holding people back is their belief ….you can either believe you can or believe you can’t. This one thing makes the movement forward or not. If you are in a place where you don’t know what next…………start, just start. Maybe start with a dog, they will lead the way!