
We now have new Bernedoodle breeders. All live in guardian homes and are well loved puppies. They are not old enough to beed at this point but come fall, we will have four beautiful medium size dogs to choose from for breeding.
WE HAVE KEPT OUR COMMITMENT TO DONATE ONE PUPPY FROM EACH LITTER TO A NOT FOR PROFIT. This allows the not for profit to auction the puppy and is quite a popular item at these auctions.
Our stud is an amazing dog and he will be used with our tri color breeders. Then we will use studs from the Elite Gem Puppies program for the merle tri color breeders.
Our Bernedoodle breeders will come in mini, medium and standard size. We will have F1 (poodle crossed with Bernese Mountain Dog) F2 (Bernedoodle crossed with Bernedoodle) And even Golden Mountain Doodles (Bernedoodle crossed with a Goldendoodle)
You can’t go wrong with Doodles! Doodles are known as the most loyal, fun, goofy and loving dogs ever. Don’t forget these are no to low shedding, and very hypoallergenic.
NEW LITTER DUE OCT 30th! Perfect puppies for Christmas!